Peanut Cake (Melting Method)


Self raising flour            - 12 ozs (3 cups)
Golden syrup                - 2 tbls
Brown sugar                 - 3 oz ( ½ cup)
Butter                           - 3 oz ( 1/3 cup)
Milk                             - 2 tbls
Crunchy peanut butter   - 6 oz ( ¾ cup)
Eggs                             - 3
Pinch of ground cinnamon


Sift the flour and cinnamon into a bowl. Gently melt the sugar, syrup and butter in a pan over low heat. Add the milk. Make a well in the centre of the flour. Pour in the syrup mixture. Add peanut butter and beaten eggs. Beat until smooth.

Line two 1 lb loaf tins with grease proof paper. Pour into the prepared tins bake in a moderate oven at 325º F for 40 – 50 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Cool slightly in the tins before turning out onto a wire rack. Makes two 1 lb loaf cakes.

Rich Fruit Cake


Raisins              - 1 lb
Sultanas            - ¾ lb
Currents           - 1 lb
Preserved ginger  -1/4 lb
Mixed peel       - ½ lb
Cherries           - ¼ lb
Dates               - ¼ lb
Butter               - 1lb
Plain flour         - 1lb
Sugar               - ½ lb
Eggs                 - 12
Powdered cinnamon     - 2 tsp
Golden syrup                - 4-5 dsp
Grape Juice or dark wine – ¼ cup
Brandy             - 2 tbls


Wash and dry fruits. Chop a little and dredge with some flour before using. Flour to be taken from amount specified for cake.
Cream butter and sugar. Separate yolks and whites. Beat yolk till light and add to butter mixture and cream well. Then add golden syrup and cinnamon. Beat egg whites until stiff and add to mixture. Then add flour, grape juice and fruits, a little at a time mixing well. Last of all add brandy.
Bake in tins which have been lined with double layer of grease proof paper (paper must be greased) at 325º F. After 1 hour reduce heat a little. Baking time depends on the size of tins used. Big tins take about 2 ½ to 3 hrs.